Today Babci Turns 78

Just a quick note today.  It’s Babci’s birthday. She’s 78. I am not quite finished with the post about how she wears men’s underwear so you’ll just have to wait for that.

It’s amazing to think that she’s been in this country for over 40 years already.

I don’t have a lot of time this morning, so I’ll just leave you with one of Babci’s recent quotes:

“If you’re thin and good looking, you can wear rags and still turn heads.”

She also looks at me running up and down the stairs and talks about how great it was to be young and be able do everything.   So all you young people, remember not to take your mobility for granted. Someday even climbing a few stairs might become a major chore.



21 responses to “Today Babci Turns 78”

  1. Good point about appreciating your mobility and health. My father suffers from horrible back pain, caused from two car accidents. After the first accident, he had back surgery and was doing extremely well. About a year and a half later, he got into a similar accident, someone T-boned his car, and has been suffering ever since. He can’t have another surgery either, their isn’t just one messed up area it is basically his whole spine. He is only 55. Sorry went on a tangent, but wise words to really appreciate not being in pain or being able to move around.

    1. Niki- I feel for your dad. That’s quite young to be in constant pain. I had some minor back issues from having kids and until it was fixed I was in agony. Ugh.

  2. That is an awesome and thought provoking quote Sandy! Wish Babci a very happy birthday!

    1. Moneycone – yeah, the quotes weren’t that deep today. I just feel that Babci’s failing health is leading to some nostalgia about her younger and fitter days. She used to be able to eat a horse and still stay thin because she worked on a farm. Now she still eats like a horse but she has to carry it around with her.

  3. I try to discipline my self to look at all the good stuff in my life and be grateful for it. Even the poorest americans live better than most in the less developed world.

  4. jan smith Avatar
    jan smith

    a huge hearty ” HAPPY 78TH BIRTHDAY TO BABCI”. you are blessed with an amazing mom and know that you are a great daughter to her as well. i love finding your post in my inbox and wonder what new and intriguing things will be written about. thanks so much !

  5. Freckles Avatar

    To Babci: Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin

  6. Happy Birthday to Babci!

    Ironically, I was watching an elderly man cross the parking lot yesterday. He had a cane and moved stiff like and a had a slight lean backwards. While we wasn’t super slow, he was definitely slower than normal. It made me sad, both for the man and my future self someday… Hopefully robotics will help the elderly of the future (they are already testing stuff like this).

  7. I just went to my grandma’s 89th birthday at a nursing home and I’ve been very thankful for my health ever since…

    Happy Birthday Babci!!!

  8. Happy Birthday Babci!
    My dad has his 91st birthday on April Fools Day. He’s still single and available – just in case Babci’s looking for a guy that’s in great shape mentally, physically, financially… likes to dance, garden, cook…
    Oh yeah, I think I tried pawning him off to you already. 😛

  9. Happy birthday!!!

  10. Happy Birthday Babci!
    I love the quote. Youth is wasted on the young, isn’t it?

  11. Happy Birthday to Babci! I hope it’s an enjoyable one for her.

    Agree about appreciating one’s mobility. Good to appreciate and be thankful for all we have when younger. No amount of money can turn back the clock and make us younger, appreciate what we have while we have it. And save for when we lose our youth.

    By the way, I like the quote.

  12. Yeah! Happy Birthday!
    My mom says the same thing about mobility. She can’t jump anymore – she was a dancer and soccer player and misses being able to leap in the air.

  13. Laura L Avatar
    Laura L

    Happy birthday, Babci, and may you be blessed with many more!

  14. Happy birthday, Babci! It’s no fun getting old.

  15. Well, happy birthday to Babci. Here’s hoping we all live that long. And that we can enjoy our mobility for most of that time, as well.

  16. Thanks for all the well wishes, especially the Polish one. The birthday was pretty low key. Dinner of Chicken Soup or White Borscht followed by Cake and Ice Cream. We were going to postpone it til the weekend but my kids love birthdays of any kind and they wanted to go over and wish her well.

    WE crammed as many candles as we could on the 4″ cake and luckily did not start a fire.

    TGIF..It’s been a long week.

  17. Babci and I share the same birthday. I hope hers was happy and sounds like you will have a second celebration this weekend. We had ours last weekend.

  18. Happy Birthday to Babci! A bit belated but … 🙂

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