Author: Sandy L

  • All Poor People Aren’t On Crack

    Tweet Rant Alert. Over the last couple of days I have been running around making sales calls. I put just over 900 miles on my car in less than 48 hours.  It’s been a very productive but hectic week.  Yesterday I had about 20 minutes in between appointments for lunch so I stopped in the…

  • How to Make a Junk Mail Yurt

    Tweet I’m so excited about the following guest post from Mike and Molly’s House. She is like a younger, slightly less eccentric version of Babci with her own chickens and all.  I’m sure someday her daughters will be blogging about all the crazy things she used to do with raw eggs.  Molly even makes her…

  • Passive Income Ideas ala Babci

    Tweet I was reading a post the other day by Money Crush on Passive Income Ideas and it inspired me to write a little post about Babci’s little side gigs and how it’s helped her with her personal finances over time.   Money Crush’s article focused on the tech savvy readers and no matter how street…

  • Energy Efficiency Improvements Me vs Babci

    Tweet As some of you know, the homes that both Babci and my family live in were fixers when we bought them.  My home is now been fully redone but babci’s is still in progress. I thought that today I’d do a little Babci vs Sandy head to head smackdown and see who comes out…

  • Babci Says It’s Never Too Late to Save

    Tweet Barb Friedberg wrote a post the other day stressing the importance of how to save and she basically said that the earlier you start the better off you are.   Although Babci would agree, she wasn’t able to come to America until she was 36 years old.  She was starting at square 1 with nada,…

  • Favorites the Thought Provoking Edition

    Tweet I always have so many great articles that I read and I wish I did my roundups more regularly, but better late than never.  I think my problem is that I feel compelled to make long commentary on everyone’s articles and it takes forever. Okay enough apologizing. My hands down absolutely most favorite post…

  • Babci vs the Drug Sniffing Beagle

    Tweet As some of you already know, this past Saturday, I was very happy to be picking Babci up from the airport after her 2 month trip to Poland. I was excited to see her and arrived on time to pick her up outside of the international arrivals gate. For those who’ve done it before,…

  • Tour of Babci’s House

    Tweet Yesterday a few folks expressed interest in seeing some photos of Babci’s House.  So here’s a quick little tour of Babci’s place in all it’s glory.  The last photo in the deck is babci’s new bathroom. I wish I could find a before photo because it was so gross.  Her second bathroom is also…

  • Little Discoveries while cleaning at Babci’s

    Tweet I can’t believe 2 months have gone by so fast.  Babci is coming home from Poland this Saturday and we’re all looking forward to her return.  She may even come home to a bathroom that doesn’t have rotten+moldy shower walls, a tub that drains and a new non-stained toilet that has a toilet seat…

  • Why I’m Getting Umbrella Insurance

    Tweet Since it’s been raining for the past 3 days, I thought I’d write a quick post about umbrella insurance and why I’m going to be adding another line item to my annual budget.  I guess I should start by talking about why I’m a little insurance crazy.  You see, about 1/2 of my life…