Author: Sandy L

  • Next Coffee Talk Feb 14th – Your First Sweetheart

    Tweet All, it’s time for next Month’s Writing Experiment. I’ve decided to rename this regular series as Coffee Talk because it reminds me of SNL where Mike Meyers would give a topic and have people talk amongst themselves about it. If you are a new reader to this site, I started this series a couple…

  • Favorites, the Landlord edition

    Tweet I thought I’d buffer my landlord horror story post with just a brief description of why being a landlord is good. My cousin currently has a 3 family building as well, but 2 of the units are sitting empty because she does not want to deal with the hassle of tenants.  She also has…

  • Bad Tenant Incidents and Lessons Learned

    Tweet Sandy over at Yes I’m Cheap just launched a new website called “My Tenant from Hell” and I’m wishing her great success.  Fortunately for her and unfortunately for many of us, there is no shortage of material to fill up her site. Babci lived in a 3 family house and occupied in one of…

  • Babci’s Favorite Sayings on Marriage

    Tweet Money Reasons just posted an article on the Power of Spousal Teamwork that made me think of one of my favorite Babci quotes, but first a little backstory. For those who aren’t long time readers and haven’t read the stories of my mom’s crappy arranged marriage, I’ll summarize for you.  My dad was an…

  • I Have a Fashion Emergency

    Tweet So, I’m at the hair dresser on Friday night getting my hair done and I now have an official fashion emergency as a result.  Friday is the day that all the little old ladies go in to get their hair done.  One of them is my elderly neighbor that is in her 80’s.   She…

  • Toxic Chemicals and Blog Content

    Tweet So, I just passed my 6 month blogiversary and I thought I’d write a quick post on a few things I’ve learned about my own writing. Now that my blog is starting to get a kind of identity, I’ve decided that there are a few subject areas that I will continue writing about, but…

  • Annoying Features on Cars

    Tweet The other day I locked myself out of my car. It was still running, and low on gas.  I must have inadvertently pressed down on the lock button as I was exiting the car. I quickly looked at the other doors and of course, they were all locked too.  It wasn’t because I locked…

  • The Social Part of Retirement Planning

    Tweet I have a secret that I would love to keep from my employers.  The secret is that I’ve been planning my retirement since my very first paycheck. I was so jazzed about being able to finally save money that I quickly became hooked on watching my retirement grow.  It wasn’t long before I realized that it literally would…

  • Racism is Insecurity and Ignorance

    Tweet In honor of Martin Luther King day, I thought I’d just give me and Babci’s take on racism. Unfortunately for me, my dad was a big fat racist so I had a lot of exposure to this mentality.  This meant I constantly had to hear about his opinions on the Blacks, Jews, and the…

  • 6 Month Blogaversery

    Tweet Well, I made it. They say most blogs don’t last more than a couple of months and I’ll say that I’ve taken to this writing thing. I’ve managed to write 105 posts and have 1168 comments on my site.  I’m averaging over 200 hits a day on the days I post, with my top…