Author: Sandy L
Nature vs. Nurture on Frugalism
Tweet Is Frugalism even a word? I don’t care, I like it. Today I’m going to ponder the age old question, nature vs. nurture with a twist. Which of these factors makes a person inherently frugal in life? Now up until writing this post, I was firmly in the nature camp. We can all think…
Weekly Roundup and Thanks
Tweet First, I want to thank all the wonderful folks that have welcomed me to the blogging world. I love the sense of community and I hope I can bring something new and unique to it. Here are some of my favorite reads of the week. Financial Samurai had a great post on unemployment collecting…
Role Models Guest Post on PDIF
Tweet Woo Hoo. I’ve just got my first guest post published at Punch Debt in the Face. Definitely one of my favorite blogs. It’s my PF crack and I can’t wait to read his daily articles. The article is about the Importance of Positive Role Models with a Babci spin. There should be a similar…
Extreme Frugalism – How many have you tried?
Tweet The other day, I was commenting on an interesting post about shameless frugality over at Squirrelers. Mr. Squirreler himself expressed an interest in hearing about some of Babci’s money saving undertakings that would make even the frugalest of frugalites cringe. So by popular demand, here is a list of actual things that either my…
Pantry Efficiency – How’s yours?
Tweet Okay, before I even get started, I need to confess that I’m a bit of a food snob. I love food, I’m extremely brand loyal and its my #2 biggest expense in my budget (Daycare is #1). I am not the one to talk to if you want to know how to feed a…
Perspective – Hard to Gain but Great to Have
Tweet Webster’s Dictionary defines perspective as: “the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance.” Sandy L’s definition of perspective: “A much needed life experience that helps prevent a sense of entitlement to things that aren’t really that important.” I think this sense of entitlement is what gets people into so much…
Can Flippin Burgers Be Life Changing?
Tweet Growing up, I was one of those kids who couldn’t wait to become an adult and do things my way. After all, I was a teenager and teenagers know everything. My first babysitting job gave me a taste of that independence that I craved. I finally could go out and buy new clothes, go…
Not Your Typical Frugal Wedding Ideas
Tweet It’s wedding season, so I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane so that we can share our frugal wedding stories. I’ll go out on a limb and say I know a thing or two about weddings. NO, it’s not because I’ve been married multiple times, but because I worked 2-4 weddings a…
What’s the Window Into your Soul?
Tweet Whenever I want to know how my mom is doing, I take a trek back to her garden and have a look. One of my longtime family friends was touring my mom’s garden and it wasn’t long before she was laughing and admiring the interesting things mixed in with her vegetable garden. There were…