Author: Sandy L

  • Babci and Talking about Money

    Tweet How many home computers does it take to toast a router in 7 months?  Apparently 3.   This week has been plagued with connectivity issues which is a killer when you have Vontage and work from a home office.  What’s worse is that I didn’t even suspect the router at first because it was still…

  • Promotion Codes – An Online Shopping Must Have

    Tweet Just about 15 years ago, I got my first “real” job out of college.  I was excited, but I also had to move from my home town city of over 650,000 people, to a quaint, but dinky town in the Berkshires.  Despite it’s charm, I was a big city girl used to having every…

  • My Frugal Insanity

    Tweet I’ll be the first to admit that there are about 1000 ways that I’m not frugal.  However sometimes I go just a little cuckoo about the stupidest things.    You see, it all started with a couple of unrelated events.   The first was reaching one of my debt reduction milestones and finally taking a breather…

  • Rough Week – Babci’s having Surgery

    Tweet Sorry for my absence this week. It’s been one of those weeks that reminded me of how my body used to get right after finals in college. It literally would hang on til the last final was over and then break down into a cold or flu. This week I found out that Babci…

  • US Personal Savings Rate Still Going Up

    Tweet A few months ago, I wrote an article about the personal savings rate stabilizing and more Americans seemed to be spending money on Christmas in 2010 vs 2009.  I was very curious to see if we’re just stupid Americans who saved a little money and are now off spending like brainless idiots again. So…

  • Extreme Couponing and Obesity

    Tweet This post has been inspired by two recent articles, one by Money Beagle and the other by Nicole and Maggie.  You see, last week Money Beagle made me aware of a new TLC show called Extreme Couponing.  On the flipside, Nicole and Maggie talk about their organic shopping experiences.  On Money Beagle’s site I…

  • Favorites the kid experiment issue

    Tweet Yesterday was one of the first nice days of the season and I was excited about some outdoor time.  I decided to run a little finance experiment with my 5 year old.  After going through the list of potential fun outdoor things we could do yesterday, both the boys settled on blowing bubbles as…

  • Babci Wears Men’s Underwear

    Tweet Jockey’s Size 44 to be exact. We women have long known that there is no such thing as gender neutral pricing policies when it comes to things like dry cleaning and  clothing prices.  As much as I try to buy “classic” clothing, women’s fashion changes so often that I end up spending a small…

  • Today Babci Turns 78

    Tweet Just a quick note today.  It’s Babci’s birthday. She’s 78. I am not quite finished with the post about how she wears men’s underwear so you’ll just have to wait for that. It’s amazing to think that she’s been in this country for over 40 years already. I don’t have a lot of time…

  • Retirement Savings: You can’t work forever

    Tweet The other day Joe over at Personal Finance by the book, wrote a good article about the reasons you shouldn’t use your 401K to pay off credit card debt.  He had some very good points, my two favorites being #1 the penalties you have to pay come tax time and #2, the is that…