Category: Uncategorized

  • Debt/Home Consolidation Here we come

    Tweet So my life has been so crazy these last few weeks, I couldn’t even write about it. Last week I went to an amazing wedding in Ireland full of interesting and creative entrepreneurs. The bride is a fashion designer and her crowd was so refreshingly inspiring. We were friends of the groom, so had…

  • Pricey HGTV landscapes and frugal gardens

    Tweet I’ve been remodeling homes for as long as I remember.  First it was at babci’s (one room at a time on the cheap), then it was with my 1950’s fixer upper. Finally, at the peak of the market, we bought my mom’s 1890’s split roof colonial…which needs everything.   What that means is that I’ve…

  • Sept Coffee Talk Topic – Household Metaphors

    Tweet  Folks, it’s time to start thinking about this month’s coffee talk subject. As these coffee talks are meant to stretch the particpants as writers, I thought the next few will also include something to practice in the English Language.  Metaphors, Puns, Similes , etc Use a Household item as a Metaphor to teach a life…

  • If You Like Babci, You’ll Love Michael and Molly

    Tweet Hey guys,  just a quick note letting you know that my buddy Molly (from Molly on Money) has started a new blog with her husband Michael.  It’s called Michael and Molly’s House.   I always think of her as a younger, thinner version of Babci with an Art Degree.   Michael and Molly have made a…

  • Babci’s Home Remedies

    Tweet Check out my guest post today at Molly on Money. Molly is one of my favorite people whom I’ve never met.  I love her stories of ditching the rat race to raise chickens and bees and making yurts out of junk mail. My story is about how Babci would embarrass me as a kid…

  • Favorites 10/8/2010 – The Broken Shoe Edition

    Tweet Poor Product Quality strikes again. Here are my son’s back to school shoes after 1 month of wear. This story has a happy ending though. My MIL used to work at Kohl’s.  We bought the shoes there and she said they have a great return policy that doesn’t even require a receipt, so back…

  • Link Exchange – Have a link need a link?

    Tweet Hi. I haven’t kept track of my links lately. If you’re a regular reader of my blog and have a blog of your own, please let me know. I’ll link to you if you link to my blog. And if you’re a reader and I don’t visit your blog, please let me know your…

  • Favorites wk of Sept 6th – The Debt Reduction Edition.

    Tweet I admit, I love reading everyone’s blogs, but I hate doing roundups. It’s one of these habits I have to get myself into.  The list of great articles is much longer than this one, but I figured I’d send what I have now and try to keep better track of my favorites moving forward.…

  • College Savings are Last on My List

    Tweet Hi All, Today I’m doing a guest post over at Budgeting for the Fun Stuff.  Be sure to go over to the site and have a look. The gist of the post is that most people will be better off if they put all other savings goals ahead of saving for their children’s education.…

  • Weekly Roundup and Thanks

    Tweet First, I want to thank all the wonderful folks that have welcomed me to the blogging world.  I love the sense of  community and I hope I can bring something new and unique to it. Here are some of my favorite reads of the week. Financial Samurai had a great post on unemployment collecting…