Thanks for the 200K Alexa + Financial Monkeys


Quick update. My Alexa rank just dipped below the 200,000 mark. My first post was in mid July, so I’ve gone from 6MM to 200K in less than 3 months..WOW.

I wanted to thank all the people who have been visiting, commenting, and sharing my blog link with others.  I will do my best to try to continue posting at least a couple times a week.  I usually can do one over the weekend and 1 or 2 during a sleepless night during the week. You can thank my #2 son for that.

As always, I’m very grateful and open to feedback and ideas. My goal is to continue making my blog more readable. For a left brainer, it’s really easy for me to just report facts and that can get pretty boring.

Hey would anyone want to join in on a couple of writing experiments? For example, we could do something like this: Everyone writes a post about tying monkeys to personal finance. (My son’s watching curious george in case you’re wondering where that idea came from.)  Given the Yakezie crowd, I’d bet we’d get a whole variety of responses…all very different from each other.  It would be like the old Coffee Talk from SNL.

Let me know what you think.


13 responses to “Thanks for the 200K Alexa + Financial Monkeys”

  1. I’m not part of Alexa (Yakezie, whatever it’s called!) but I’d be into other writing experiments. I’ve had one in mind for a while but put it on the back burner.

  2. Molly – what’s your idea. I’d be game even if it were just a few folks.

  3. Congrats on crossing 200K! It’s nice to see so many people reach the challenge goal.

    I started with my present domain in July and just crossed last week and write 2 weekly posts too (one is a round up), so I can definitely empathize with your path, given all the similarities.

  4. Congratulations on your rapid climb up the ladder!
    I will write about anything, so count me in!

  5. Congrats! Oh, and I can also write about anything, so just let me know. Even if it isn’t personal finance related, I’ll just write it for Crystal Clear Thoughts instead. 🙂

  6. Congrats! That’s a really successful first few months of blogging. Looks like you could be on your way to some good things.

    I think the Babci stories are especially neat and a big draw. Cool to read about her hard-earned wisdom. Of course the rest of your writing is good too:)

  7. Congratulations on your Alexa break-through! I’m in on a writing experiment. Just let me know what you’re thinking.

  8. Thanks all for your interest. I’m out of town this week, but I’ll work on a few ideas. My only rule is that the ideas have to be somewhat they haven’t been written about yet (hence my mash-up of two unrelated subjects into a potentially entertaining topic).

    How far out should we target the posting date? I know some of you write way out in advance, so is 2 weeks a good number?

  9. I write in advance, but I move stuff around all the time to make room for stuff like this, lol. Anytime after I get back on Sunday would work for me. 🙂

  10. Congrats on hitting 200k!

  11. Yes, I can’t wait to watch you dip below 100,000 soon! Left brainers for life

  12. Congratulations on taking out 200k!

  13. Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.

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