Today I thought I’d just post a fun quiz.
I thought I’d list some things that perhaps some or all of us have done or thought about doing in the effort to save a buck.
1. When you’re at the end of the toothpaste roll do you:
A) Throw it away
B) Curl it up and use all your arm strength to get the last bits out
C) Start with B and then cut the toothpaste open with scissors to get every nook and cranny out.
2. When paper towels go on sale do you
A) Stock up
B) Drive Around Town with all your extra printable coupons to maximize your deals
C) Laugh at all those suckers that aren’t using cloth yet
3. You think Freeganism is:
A) A politically motivated new age diet
B) Going a little too far
C) An economical use of your time
4. Your idea of a nice family vacation is:
A) A trip to Disney
B) Visiting Family
C) Setting up a Tent in the Backyard and pretending you are camping.
5. When you buy a whole chicken you:
A) Buy it already roasted on your way home from work for a quick and easy dinner.
B) Buy it raw and cook it at home.
C) B + you have at least 2 other meals, plus you use the bones for stock.
6. You use Vinegar for:
A) Salad Dressing
B) Cooking and Cleaning
C) About 150 different house hold tasks
7. To Conserve Water you:
A) Stop watering your lawn during dry spells
B) Only flush when it’s #2
C) Bath multiple kids in the same tub, and then use that water for laundry or plants.
8.In the winter, you keep your house at:
a) 70 Degrees
b) 68 with a programmable thermostat down to 62 at night
c) Just above the pipes freezing level and you supplement with a wood burning stove with wood that you found for free at the dump
9. On Garbage Day you:
A) Take out your trash but separate out the returnable cans and recyleables
B) Are happy when you have one trash bag or less.
C) Are amazed at what people throw out and have gotten some of your most favorite items on trash day.
10. When food starts getting questionable in the fridge you,
A) Throw it out
B) Try to use it quickly by cutting the rotted bits of or cooking the wrinkly veggie in a soup.
C) Don’t remember the last time you threw anything out, ever.
11. When you need a new outfit you:
A) Check TJ Max and Marshalls before you hit the mall
B) Go to the thrift store and see what you can fish up.
C) Look through your fabric stash and sew something cute.
12) When You go to a Restaurant You:
A) Skip the Appetizer and Dessert
B) Order waters to drink and split the entree.
C) Going out to dinner? You packed a lunchbox instead.
13. To Conserve Electricity You
A) Replaced your incandescent bulbs with fluorescent.
B) Run around after your family shutting things off room to room
C) Are constantly getting yelled at for doing things in the dark.
14. Your idea of a frugal present is:
A) Something under $30
B) A home cooked Dinner
C) Nothing
15. You’re favorite money saving blog is:
A) Shopping and coupon blogs
B) Blogs Discussing Balancing Fun and Savings
C) Extreme blogs about how to reuse bread bags
Are you more of an A, B, or C person? Babci is almost always a C (with the exception of heating her house). I actually have had answers that were A, B, and C. I’m way more frugal about some things than others.
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