Rough Week – Babci’s having Surgery

Sorry for my absence this week. It’s been one of those weeks that reminded me of how my body used to get right after finals in college. It literally would hang on til the last final was over and then break down into a cold or flu.

This week I found out that Babci has skin cancer. She’s having surgery next week.  Thankfully it’s a benign form and her prognosis is very good.  I thought I was doing fine but you can imagine how freaked out I got when it took months to schedule her dermatologist appointment and when her biopsy came back positive, they called me back and were ready to operate on her few days later.   I was like “Hmm…maybe this is more serious than I thought” and I kind of flipped my wig.  I lost multiple loved ones in my life to cancer so the idea of my mom having any kind of cancer (even a benign one) makes me uneasy.

This whole incident brought Babci’s mortality into full focus and it scared the crap out of me.   My body followed suit shortly thereafter with a rotten flu/fever/cold.  I really think my body forces me to slow down when I need the rest.  It was just today that I started feeling human again and I realized I’ve neglected the blog all week (usually I write my articles before the kids get up).  I logged in to see what’s been going on and laughed out loud when I read one of this week’s google searches that found my site was “how to pack kielbasa in a suitcase.”

I think the hardest thing for Babci will be her post-op period.  She is being sentenced to 3 weeks of rest and relaxation with no heavy lifting or bending. Right now it’s peak digging and garden prep time and she’s quite bummed about missing out on those days.  The forecast is calling for rain all next week anyway, so she really only will be missing 2 weeks at most.

So, think happy thoughts this upcoming Tuesday.  I’m sure I’ll have a wacky story or two to report after wards.  Things got better after I realized that every day you have with your family is a wonderful gift to be cherished. We can’t control how much time someone has left on this earth, but at least we can make the most of the time we do have.

On that note, have a nice weekend and a wonderful Easter Holiday.


24 responses to “Rough Week – Babci’s having Surgery”

  1. I’m glad it’s benign and the prognosis is good. Good luck with everything!

  2. jan smith Avatar
    jan smith

    prayers are being said for you and babci. stay strong and know that we care about both of you very much. have a blessed easter and may God bless babci and your families as well.

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your Babci! I am sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to you, Babci and your family.

  4. I’m glad to hear its benign but surgery is surgery and can be scary. Let her know her fans are thinking good wishes for her!

  5. Glad to hear she is going to be okay. Also glad to hear you are feeling better too. Have a good Easter weekend.

  6. I’m sending lots of positive vibes to Babci, you and your family. I’m so glad that it’s benign…best wishes to Babci for the surgery.

  7. Wow, bummer about the surgery and the missed gardening time.
    Especially about the missed gardening 🙂
    Lots of best wishes and virtual flowers and seedlings to Nonna Babci.

  8. Thanks everyone for the well wishes. It means a lot that so many people care. Yes 101, she really isn’t worried about the surgery at all, but she is really disappointed on the lost gardening time.

    Happy Easter Everyone. I’m just about to sit down and color up some eggs.

  9. […] Should have linked to this one last week from First Gen American.  On obesity among other things.  Also think happy thoughts for Babci’s upcoming surgery. […]

  10. That does sound like a tough week! It’s scary to contemplate the mortality of a parent. I’ll join the others in sending good thoughts out for her speedy recovery. If it’s raining all week, then she won’t be missing much gardening. It’s bad to work the soil when it’s too wet. Be well!

  11. Best wishes to Babci for the a quick recovery so she can get back to her gardening.

    Happy Easter to you and yours!

  12. Best wishes. Hopes she has a speedy recovery.

  13. I didn’t think Babci could get sick- she seems immortal to me!

    Hoping for an easy surgery and a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself along the way too.

    Good luck Babci!

  14. Good to hear that it’s benign! I hope that she recovers quickly!!!

  15. […] Gen American had a rough week this past week. Our thoughts will be with you, […]

  16. Prayers for Babci. May you have a blessed Easter.

  17. Here’s to a quick recovery. My own parents are getting on and I dread the day something forces me to confront their mortality.

  18. Wish her the absolute best and I can’t wait to hear the ‘recovery’ stories that I’m sure will be coming.

  19. Good luck! My co-worker’s boyfriend just had the same thing– skin cancer, benign, surgery right away. It was on his head! Hope she recovers well and you do too.

  20. I hope today went well – I wish you and Babci the best!!!

  21. Hi Sandy, I’m glad it’s not too serious. Skin cancer runs in my family and my mom has has literally dozens of growths removed. I hope Babci feels better soon. 🙂

  22. Sorry to hear about the troubles! I hope she is alright….

  23. Update: Babci is doing great. Everything went smoothly and her spot was young enough that they got it all first try. It was really no big deal afterall. Hurray.

  24. Sandy….Just going through all of the postings I missed while I was driving/traveling during Easter Week. So glad Babci is going to be ok and everything went smooth!

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