Wow. I can’t believe it’s already been a year. How did that happen? Coincidentally one of my daily blog favorites Grumpy Rumblings has also turned one today too. I know we started blogging about the same time, but I didn’t realize it was on the exact same day. Great minds think alike, I guess. I remember reading their comments on places like Get Rich Slowly and nodding my head in agreement long before we had a blog of our own.
This kind of snuck up on me, so I don’t have any elaborate giveaways or anything.
- 155 Total Posts
- Page Rank: 3
- Moz Rank: 4.72
- Alexa Rank: 158,000 but was as low as 90,000 for a while
- External Links: 7945
- Busiest Day: March 2, 2011 with 49,000 page views when MSN Money picked up the article:
You can Always Cut More out of your Budget
- Most Popular Post of all Time through Pages Views and Search Engine Results:
Buy a House without a Mortgage
This was is partly popular because One of Invest it Wisely’s Unconventional Investment Moves articles was picked up by a couple of major periodicals and my article was linked in there.
My Top Referrers for 2011
I can say every one of these bloggers inspires me and make me laugh on a daily basis. It’s been wonderful sharing our personal finance and life journeys together and I very much appreciate everyone’s visits, comments and general support. And of course, I love being part of the Yakezie, It’s been such a great group to be a part of, I haven’t joined any other blog collaboratives as a result. Am I missing out by not accepting that invite to blogher?
I also have to give a little shout out to Frugal Dad, the very first personal finance site I ever read. I remember spending hours going through his archives. After that, I was hooked.
Did I Achieve My Blog Goals?
If I think about what I was trying to achieve with the blog, it really was about sharing my life with Babci. It’s never been about stats or money, although I admit, I still would love to have more readers. Every single one of my friends thinks Babci’s a hoot and I felt like more of the world needed to know about her. In fact, when I polled a few folks about what I should blog about, it was almost unanimous that I had to write about my crazy but lovable mom. I hope her stories touched you and made you laugh. I also wish that if people are struggling through a tough time either emotionally or financially, that some of my articles gave you the hope you needed to believe that if you put the time in to make a positive change, it will happen. It’s important to hang in there and really believe life can get better.
Okay, enough preachy mumbo jumbo. Lastly, if you have any tips or suggestions of what you’d like to see more of, please let me know. Do you have a favorite story that sticks out in your mind? I plan on continuing to write at least 1-2/week and I’ve been really enjoying the creative outlet that blogging has offered. I feel like I need to dig into my past some more as those stories seem to be the most powerful but I’d love a second opinion on that.
Thanks again to every single one of my readers. I appreciate each and every visit. Let’s hope year 2 will be as interesting as year one.
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