Category: Alexa

  • Today My Blog is 1

    Tweet Wow.  I can’t believe it’s already been a year.  How did that happen?  Coincidentally one of my daily blog favorites Grumpy Rumblings has also turned one today too.  I know we started blogging about the same time, but I didn’t realize it was on the exact same day.  Great minds think alike, I guess. …

  • Member Post at Yakezie Today

    Tweet Hi All, Just a quick note letting you know that I have my new member post up at Yakezie today.  The article goes into a little bit of my background and why I started blogging.  I’m incredibly excited about being a part of this fantastic group of bloggers and I wanted to thank everyone…

  • 6 Month Blogaversery

    Tweet Well, I made it. They say most blogs don’t last more than a couple of months and I’ll say that I’ve taken to this writing thing. I’ve managed to write 105 posts and have 1168 comments on my site.  I’m averaging over 200 hits a day on the days I post, with my top…

  • The Financial Monkey -Writing Experiment

    Tweet In an effort to draw upon the talents of the many aspiring writers out there, I’m proposing a little writing experiment. Anyone who wants to join is welcome but the premise is this: A group of bloggers will all write an article about a certain odd ball topic and all post the resulting content on the…

  • Thanks for the 200K Alexa + Financial Monkeys

    Tweet All, Quick update. My Alexa rank just dipped below the 200,000 mark. My first post was in mid July, so I’ve gone from 6MM to 200K in less than 3 months..WOW. I wanted to thank all the people who have been visiting, commenting, and sharing my blog link with others.  I will do my…

  • Alexa Experiment and High School

    Tweet So, I’ve been blogging for about 5 weeks off and on and I thought I’d try and figure out what this Alexa business is all about.  For those of you who are just readers and not bloggers, Alexa is this little toolbar that you put on your header and it gives you a  ranking of the particular website…