Favorites the Thought Provoking Edition

I always have so many great articles that I read and I wish I did my roundups more regularly, but better late than never.  I think my problem is that I feel compelled to make long commentary on everyone’s articles and it takes forever. Okay enough apologizing.

My hands down absolutely most favorite post this week was MoneyCone’s article on what would have happened if you bought Apple Stock instead of Apple Products. Basically he takes all of Apple’s popular launches and calculates the return on investment if you took that $200 that you spent on an I POD and used it to buy Apple stock instead. You’d be shocked at the numbers and you’re probably also one of those people that are thinking…hey I have an IPOD collecting dust, I’m one of those stupid spender people.   The post is really one of the greatest examples of what happens if you save vs spend.

Grumpy Rumblings has an equally awesome post on being perfect, although it’s a little more about optimism and hard work than perfection itself.

Read about Evan’s Biggest Fear in My Journey to Millions.  The discussion in the comments is also good.

Inspirational Geek has a great post on the reverse graffiti art movement in San Paolo Brazil.  I love art but I always feel like I’m not artistic, but I met with the director of a program who exposes girls to science in the area the other day and she leads and art and science camp. She believes that art and science are almost the same. If I think about the most creative engineers I know, they use both sides of their brain. In fact, my one friend who’s an identical twin and an engineer and his brother is an artist.

Budgeting in The Fun Stuff: St. Patrick’s Day – Make Your Own “Luck of the Irish”– This was a great guest post. I have never ever heard of being rejected from a job and not taking no for an answer but Kevin from Thousandaire shows that not only does it not hurt to take one last stab at the job, but it can lead to your dream opportunity.  Great stuff.

Everyday Tips and Thoughts reveals her new car.  It’s nice getting to know blogger’s tastes. Not only did I learn what kind of cars people liked but I also learned that a lot of my favorite bloggers are like 5’2″..Hmm. I’d never be able to share clothes with them if we were friends in high school..You know my high school and college friends were all tall (I’m 5’10”)  I think it’s so we could expand our wardrobe and borrow stuff from each other all the time.  Plus, you look a little odd when you’re towering over your bosom buddy.

There’s no secret that my favorite post from Money Reasons would be Buying Less House than You can Afford because that’s always been my MO and I credit it to my ability to live below my means.  Although I didn’t expect it to spur such a debate about Stay at home parents. Since I was raised by a working mom (and a drunk nonworking dad), I am of the opinion that you can have very bad stay at home experiences, so it’s pretty lame to make blanket statements that Stay at home kids are better off. If you’re a newer reader, you can read my story I linked up on my dad. He used to take me to the bar with him and get drunk. That was my stay at home experience, that is until I wandered out into the streets and he didn’t miss that I was gone. I was 3 and looking back, I’m so lucky to be alive.

Along that theme Jacq from Single Mom Rich mom, reaches a new low for her monthly expenses.  This goes hand in hand with Money Reasons buy less house than you can afford. If you can make extra payments, then you will eventually have no mortgage and your fixed expenses get gleefully low.

Molly on Money – I love reading about her chickens because I covet having them…that and bees, but the reality is that I don’t have the time to take care of them.

This is the post by debt free by 30 that inspired my tour of Babci’s house. Niki wrote on her remodeling photos (but hers are way nicer than mine)…so I was like, hey I can do that.

Money Beagle is giving up laziness for lent. I have the opposite problem, where I’m too productive on the weekends and I don’t always plan enough fun family time.

If you have a little spring fever, you can go over to Retire by 40 and look at the gorgeous Thailand pictures. It’s one of my favorite places in the world and 101 Centavos shares his experience in India. Or if you want to stay local and get a flavor of Asia, check out Seoul Seeker and read about Jennifer’s experiences in a Korean Bathhouse.  The spa part seems nice, but I’m not crazy about Korean food..why do they have to put eel and kimchee at every meal?

Squirrelers is reminding us of what all those investment gurus keep telling us.  BUY LOW.  Is it a good time to invest in Japan? See, this is why a  lot of people don’t do it..too risky but he’s right, it may indeed be a good time.

Bucksome Boomer has a few great articles this week , but I really like the one about whether you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur. I think it really outlines the realities and risks of going on your own.

Little House’s article. 10 signs you’ve taken being frugal too far.  I will be the first to admit, I’m guilty of #10.  Anytime someone compliments me on jewelry I bought at a yard sale, I always spout off the $1 pricetag.  The article is pretty funny.

Jennifer Barry gives advice to her 18 year old self. I would love an article like this from all my favorite bloggers.

I always have trouble picking my favorite Barb Friedberg articles because they all have great nuggets of info in them, but this time, I think Get Rich the Charlie Sheen way has got to be the nicest and most complimentary take on what’s been going on.  Despite his nutty actions of late, the guy really has achieved a lot in his lifetime.

Sandy at Yes I’m Cheap writes an article about Will Credit Card Debt be held against you in court. She actually talks about the limits to credit card people suing you but it made me think. What if someone (not the credit card company) were suing you for another reason, let’s say theft or negligence, or even custody of your children.  I was just thinking that bankruptcy and/or bad credit may actually be used against you as evidence. Any lawyers out there? Would that hold water?  Can a raging spouse prove that you’re an unfit parent because you’ve defaulted on loans?  It would make an interesting article for anyone that has experience in that arena.

Mutant Supermodel is my latest discovery and I’m loving her writing. This article on going through old pictures of her marriage soon before her divorce really struck me.  It’s amazing how clear your thinking gets once you’ve made your decisions and have moved on to the next chapter of your life.

Oh, there are so many other great blogs I’d like to highlight, but I hear my kids stomping in the background and I must hit send or this will stay in my drafts for yet another week.  Have a great week and enjoy those extra hours of daylight.


21 responses to “Favorites the Thought Provoking Edition”

  1. Thanks for the link! The description is absolutely perfect.

    Maggie and I were both 5’2″ in high school as were many of our friends. We both grew though.

    I’ve got, or rather had, some stocks that I would have been better off purchasing their products. Sun Microsystems, how could you go out of business? And why on earth were you in an IRA so I can’t take the $1500 loss? I would have been better off with an old supercomputer.

    1. Nicole – The only tech stock I got burned on was EMC, although they are still in business. Yeah, I remember Sun. Wow..what a blast from the past.

  2. Thanks for the link, Sandy. I have the same problem with roundups, I just can’t cut and paste a link.

  3. Thank you for the link.
    I also loved 10 signs you have taken frugal too far. I am guilty of a #10 and #9.
    I am with you about the stay at home parent not always being the best option. I had a stay at home step mother, who sounds a lot like your father. My father eventually divorced from her, but she somewhat became an anti role model for me. I know exactly who I don’t want to be like.

    1. Niki – wow. Sounds so familiar. I know the kids that went to head start with my son LOVED pre-school. It was the only normal part of the day many of them had. Unfortunately, not everyone has ideal parents.

  4. Thanks for the link. It’s like I’m a bear coming out of hibernation. Having the baby chicks arrive was the first sign of Spring in our house.

    1. Molly – so darn cute.

  5. Thanks for the link-love! It seems to always be the case that a guest post I host becomes popular for a week – I guess that’s a good thing. 😉

    1. Little House – Your stuff is good too. It’s a good thing that you have standards for your guest posters.

  6. Thank you for the very sweet link =) I’m in good company!

  7. Thanks for the mention! Kimchee is an acquired taste, yummmyy. 🙂

    1. Rb40 – I once wrote a case study to my pacific colleagues for a training session when I was a product manager. I named the main sales person character Kim Chee. It was pretty funny.

  8. Thanks for the link! Notice I will divulge my height, but not my weight. :)!

  9. Thanks for the links, Sandy! I recommend trying out the letter to your younger self too. It was a lot of fun. 🙂

    My meal did come with a side of kimchee which I didn’t eat. I’m a wimp when it comes to spices. There wasn’t any eel at all. Just some yummy beef and vegetables with barbecue-like sauce. 🙂

    1. Jennifer – Korean BBQ is pretty good, but I don’t actually remember seeing those in Korea. That would have been a good option.

  10. Thank you so much for the mention and adding to the great conversation on that post!

  11. Thanks for the mention, you did one of the best writeup for each of the links that I’ve ever read!

    Lol, it surprised me too how the SAHM became a central theme in my post. I actually wrote an article about the options, but you actually can to the same conclusion that m y post will draw out… 🙂 Nice job.

    1. Money Reasons – I think it’s a good thing that your blog spurs lively conversation. I’m looking to read your followup post.

  12. Thanks so much for including my link. No need to apologize for not doing more round-ups. I know from experience it’s a lot of work!

  13. […] Favorites the Thought Provoking Edition @ First Gen American […]

  14. […] Favorites the Thought Provoking Edition […]

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