First, I want to thank all the wonderful folks that have welcomed me to the blogging world. I love the sense of community and I hope I can bring something new and unique to it.
Here are some of my favorite reads of the week.
Financial Samurai had a great post on unemployment collecting rich people. My opinion. All people should be treated equally. Just because you’re rich doesn’t mean you shouldn’t collect on benefits that you’re entitled to.
Budgeting the Fun Stuff always has a fun perspective on news. I loved her take on signs that you are in debt trouble.
Over at Yes, I am Cheap, I totally didn’t know credit card repayment plans work like this with the new laws, yikes.
My Money Blog has a great psychological money experiment to check out. Are you smarter than a monkey? Make sure you check out the follow up post to this to as the commentary is quite interesting.
Debt Ninja at Punch Debt in the Face is on his honeymoon, so it’s a whole week of guest blogs from interesting and new bloggers.
Everyday Tip’s blog is so cozy sometimes. I loved her article on nostalgic smells.
Wealth Informatics has a super detailed article on credit scores but what I got out of it really came from the first paragraph. They aren’t just used for getting loans and credit cards. Now employers are using them to screen candidates too.
Do you think someone with a bad credit score should automatically written off as a bad employee?
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