My Thanksgiving Tradition

Italian Rolls

I was reading Nicole and Maggie’s site on their Thanksgiving tradition and I thought I would share my own quickly.

I was asked what my thanksgiving tradition is and I think I came up with my theme.  First of all, I don’t have room for 2 ovens in my kitchen, so I delegated Turkey, mashed potatoes and Wild Mushroom gravy duty to Babci.  In past years I’ve butted in and brined the turkey before hand and gave specific instructions.  I realize how annoying that is, so this year, I don’t even want to know what she’s doing.

Some years Babci likes to experiment. I remember one year she made a turkey in a bag that would have been better off if we served it as turkey jerky.  Another year she put Tabasco in her wild mushroom gravy that ruined it.  Last year she put way too much ham and pepper in her rice stuffing and it was like eating a ball of pepper grease. The only thing I asked her to do is to please not screw around and try to “improve upon” her classic recipes.  I’m sure if Nicole and Maggie’s grandma decided to change her cinnamon roll recipe into chocolate rolls, it would be a major bummer.  Thanksgiving is no time to alter recipes that people look forward to all year long.  If you want to experiment, add a new side, but don’t suddenly start putting marshmallows on your sweet potatoes.

The other rule that I’ve unconsciously enacted given my love of slow food, is that everything must be made from scratch and fresh. These items are no part of our menu: frozen vegetables, ready made pie crust, cream of mushroom soup, ready whip, marshmallows, or store bought rolls. In fact, if I thought of it sooner, I’d probably have my kid churn his own butter.  I will have a can of cranberry sauce, but will also have the fresh stuff. In fact, when we were up in the Adirondacks this summer, we picked these cranberries in the wild. I actually really like the break apart rolls from the store, but this year I’m making Italian Bread from scratch and not the quick kind. This one that starts with a biga that slow ferments in the fridge.

Apple Crumble and Gooseberry Pies

My husband loves making gooseberry pie. It personally reminds me of Arsenic and Old Lace. Isn’t that what the old ladies poisoned everyone with?  The gooseberries are saved from Babci’s harvest. We had to save all of them this year. Babci’s bushes had a blight and she had to get rid of most of her bushes.  We had just enough for 2 pies worth (one for Thanksgiving and one for Xmas), so the pies will be extra special this year.

So to summarize, my food snobbery at Thanksgiving is completely off the hook.  I don’t mind shortcuts during the work week, but thanksgiving is different.

I hope you all have a great time today.


7 responses to “My Thanksgiving Tradition”

  1. Yummy!

    I am so excited about today. Food snobs LOVE home cooking.

  2. We always cook from scratch (well, I should say my husband cooks, I help). Those pies look awesome. I never had gooseberry pie. A part about your Babci experimenting made me laugh. I thought about myself cooking. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. yummm… Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Yum. Everything came out great but I thought I was going to explode last night. Babci’s turkey had me worried because it looked a little worse for wear, but it tasted great. Luckily she didn’t mess with her gravy. I pretty much just kept putting things on my plate that I could gravy up so that I could keep eating gravy.

  5. Sounds very tasty! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. […] Gen American talks about her Thanksgiving food traditions and how sometimes the tradition maker tries to mix things up.  Also I want some gooseberry […]

  7. […] I’ve been talking about more benign things like Gooseberry Pie, Currant Jelly and Sauerkraut. I know I have a few foodies that read my blog, so I’m very […]

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